Bring in More Clients with Less Effort as you release the "stuff" that is holding you back!

My Name is Ben Saltzman and I've been using the Enneagram for over 2 decades to support leaders and euntrepreneurs to break through to new levels of busines success.
I've developed an on-line program that walks you through the type related transformations that result in a huge impact.
It's designed specifically for your type, so many of the transformational processes and videos are recorded specifically for you!
Frankly, when I released this program just over a year ago I was skeptical that it would have a deep, transformational impact on people as it is delivered virtually and not at our live events (where I KNEW magical transformations happened).
I am happy to tell you that the results people have been reporting to me have been awesome!
A few people who took the course last year told me, "I've made more money in the first half of this month than in any month last year. I will more than double my income this year!"
"My relationship with my wife is so much better. We are back in love with each other!"
Hearing about these kinds of shifts warms my heart.
Of course I’ve gone through my own challenges with my Enneagram type (I’m a type seven). I was locked up in my head, with little heart access, charging $50 a session, and felt isolated, unsupported, and misunderstood.
After doing my inner work around my type and my shadow work, my heart opened and I started liking people more (this was good for sales and marketing!).
Now I have a steady stream of clients, I charge $10,000-$15,000 for coaching programs, and I feel held and supported in community.
I want you to have these kinds of changes in your life and business. If this sounds interesting to you, then join me for our “Transform Your Type” program, and get all of these amazing bonuses below.

Sign up now and you'll receive these

Special Bonuses

Bonus #1:
Two Tickets to Transform Your Type Live

At these live events you get to take the transformations to an entirely new level! Gather with other people of your type to feel the connection and deepen your self awareness. Do another round of shadow work so your self expression is freed up and you can attract more clients and receive the Abundance that wants to move into your business and your bank account!
(VALUE: $1,994) 

Bonus #2:
Breakthrough Coaching Video Sessions

You can join our Breakthrough Coaching Video Sessions twice a month with me and ask your questions, receive some of the newest teachings, or get some laser coaching. If being on video is a bit much for you, there is always the option of calling in on the phone so other people can’t see you!
(VALUE: $1,800)

Bonus #3:
Facebook Community

Welcome to our private facebook community where you can ask questions about the process, or your type for the community (I’m in there all the time too so questions for me are welcome too!)
(VALUE: $600)

Bonus #4:
9 Success Video Panels

Get instant access to all nine panels of these industry experts and learn about the types! These thought leaders participated in a set of “Virtual Success Panels” where they revealed their inner world and their own Enneagram transformations and how it lead to their business success.  
(VALUE: $297)

Bonus #5:
Selling with Integrity
(audio program)

Many of us feel are repelled by selling techniques that feel based on hype or manipulation. In this training I’m teaching a coach how to sell using authenticity, connection, and sincere inquiry to see if there is a match between his offering and what the client needs. You will learn these invaluable skills as we walk through the process together. What would change in your business if you felt better, and more aligned, in your selling conversations?
(VALUE: $3,500) 

Bonus #6:
Million Dollar Strategies

Your Enneagram Type gives you blinders! You can see some things very clearly but you have blind spots that you can’t see. These blind spots keep you from recognizing opportunities that are showing up, they keep you from creating strong relationships with potential clients and customers, they even keep you from using strategies that are THE BEST FIT for your personality!

The strategies you learn in this program are designed to compensate for your blind spots, to have you break through in your business, and bring in an additional million dollars in income over the next few years. You can implement these immediately to start the transformation for your business. It’s time for you to break through.
(VALUE: $997)


Total Package Value = $10,185

Register for Transform Your Type - Business for 12 x $97
Or Pay in Full and Save - Only $997



50% Complete

Two Step

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